Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Robert de Huntelegh, Count of Roxburgh, Scotland


Huntelegh, Robert de (del counte de Rokefburgh). 

NOTE:  'f' was often a substitute for 's'.

Ragman Rolls Of 1296 and 1291
Our thanks to Gayla Templeton for sending this in

After the death of Queen Margaret in 1291, there were a number of claimants to the Scottish throne. At that time, due to several marriage alliances, Scotland and England had diplomatic relationship. When it became obvious that Scotland couldn't make the decision without all out clan wars, King Edward of England offered to hear their cases and decide who had the most valid claim. When the Noblemen who were involved met with Edward at Norham on Tweed, Edward insisted in having them sign oath of allegiance to him, partly because he was afraid of making an unpopular choice and causing a riot among the Scots. The document signed by most of the noblemen is called the first and smallest of the Ragman Rolls. Balliol resisted the demands of Edward so the King sent an army and fought the Scots at the Battle of Dunbar. He proceeded across Scotland and stole some most important Scot artifacts such as the Stone of Destiny, where Scot Kings had been inaugurated from the earliest times, the Scottish Crown and the archives of Scottish Records.

On August 28, 1296, Edward again called together the Scots royalty and armies and asked them to swear allegiance to him and to sign another Ragnam Roll. 

As the noblemen did this, they affixed their wax seals to the parchment and they often attached their own ribbon to the wax.  It was signed by most of the leading Scots of the day including Robert Bruce, the sixth Lord of Annandale, his son, the 2nd Earl of Carrick and William Wallace's uncle Sir Reginald de Crauford who is my ancestor and our Templeton ancester, Gilbert Du Templeton. It has almost 2000 signatures making it one of the most valuable documents for future researchers. 

Of these records two copies were preserved in the chapterhouse at Westminster (now in the Record Office, London), and it has been printed by Rymer. Another copy, preserved originally in the Tower of London, is now also in the Record Office. The latter record, containing the various acts of homage and fealty extorted by Edward from Baliol and others in the course of his progress through Scotland in the summer of 1296 and in August at the parliament of Berwick, was published by Prynne from the copy in the Tower and now in the Record Office. , Both records were printed by the Bannatyne Club in 1834. The derivation of the word “ragman” has never been satisfactorily explained, but various guesses as to its meaning and a list of examples of its use for legal instruments both in England and Scotland will be found in the preface to the Bannatyne Club’s volume, and in Jamieson’s Scottish Dictionary, s.v. "Ragman." It is suggested that the term "Ragman Rolls" derived from the ribbons attached to the seals on the parchments but the name may also have been derived from an earlier record compiled for the purposes of Papal taxation by a man called Ragimunde, whose name was corrupted to Ragman. The name "ragman roll" survives in the colloquial "rigmarole," a rambling, incoherent statement.

SOURCE:  http://www.electricscotland.com/history/articles/ragman_rolls.htm

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