The Visitation of South Wales & Herefordshire, William Fellow 1531
[Source: Published in Visitations by the Heralds in Wales, M P Siddons, 1996]p36 Huntley of Hadnock
This pedigree includes a John (Huntley), who married Anne, "doughter to Henry ap Gryffyth [4] of Harforeshyrr, and had yssue Heugh, William, Elysabeth, Blanche and Jane"The note [4] states that this was probably Harry ap Gruffudd Parry of New Court, Bacton, HER.(WG2, Drymbenog 12 (B1)).
I am trying to find a link between the 'Boxwell' Huntleys & the 'Slimbridge' Huntleys. Is there a link?