Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Devise of Land (1577/78) by John & Mabell Huntley

Devise of Land (1577/8)

Devise of Land (1577/8)
Private document held by George Monsson; on loan to the University of Colorado, Boulder

Transcribed by Ingrid Nelson and Freya Jackson
April 2004

Devise of land by John and Mabell Huntley to Hugh Huntley, their son
Date: 1 January 1577/8

Physical description:
Material: vellum
Size: 15 5/8” x 10 3/4”
Two pendant seals, one fragmentary

Language: English

To all trew Chr[ist]ian People to whome this present writinge shall come John Huntley of
Harscombe* in the Countye of the Cittie of Gloucester gentleman and Mabell his wife send gretinge in our lord god everlastinge know ye the said John Huntley and Mabell his wife for divers good causes and considerac[i]ons them moveinge to have given graunted assigned and sett over and by these p[re]sent[es] do give graunt assigne and sett over unto Hughe Huntley Sonne of the said John and Mabell his executors and assignes All the estate right title use interest possessione estate and terme of yeres w[hi]ch the said John and Mabell or one of them hath or have or of right ought to have of and in all that
messuage Tenement and meadow pleck** w[i]th thapp[er]tinanc[es] now in the tenure or occupac[i]one of the said John Huntley sett lieinge and beinge in Harscombe aforesaid in the said Countye of the Cittie of Gloucester Together w[i]th one other meadow grounde or pastuer w[i]th thapp[er]tinanc[es] in Harscombe aforesaid com[m]onlie cauled and
knowen by the name of the hither Vernehill now or late in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said John Huntley and shewtinge nere unto the Churchyard there and together w[i]th the errable Land or pastuer adioyinge to the same cauled the New lease conteyinge by estimacon tenn acres And allso of and in all that p[ar]cell of ground or pastuer w[i]th thapp[er]tina[u]nc[es] cauled the Lane sett Lieinge and beinge in Harscombe aforesaid shewtinge from the foresaid hither vernehill gate to the Churchhowse there And allso of and in all and singuler the howses and all manner of edific[es] and building[es] in or uppone the p[re]misses And allso of and in two meadowe groundes Lieinge together cauled the Parke meadow in Harscombe aforesaid conteyinge by estimac[i]on Seven
acres And allso of and in one Pastuer ground cauled great Pulleys Horne late Coppie Hould Land and now in the tenure or occupac[i]one of the said John Huntley adioyneinge to the fild cauled Combfild And allso of and in two acres of errable Land or pastuer Lieinge in Harsfild in the Countie of Gloucester in the Lea sow cauled the New
Lease now or late in the tenure or occupac[i]one of the said John Huntley Provided allwaies that if the said John Huntley and Mabell his wife or one of them shall tender or paie or cause to be tendered or paid unto the said Hugh Huntley his executors or assignes at anie tyme hereafter uppon anye Sondaie betwene the howers of Eight and Eleven of the Clock before none at the now Dwellinge howse of the said John Huntley
or at the place where the said Howse now standeth in Harscombe aforesaid Five shilling[es] of Currante Englishe money that then these present[es] and all and everye thinge and thing[es] herein conteyned shalbe void and of none effect anie thinge herein conteyned to the contrary not w[i]th standinge And that then and from thenceforth
it shalbe lawfull unto the said John and Mabell and every of them into the p[re]misses before by these present[es] assigned to reenter and the same to have againe repossed and enioye as in their former estate anie thinge before menc[i]oned to the contrarye not w[i]thstandinge In witnes whereof the said John Huntley and Mabell his wife
to these p[re]sent[es] have sett their Seales yeven the First Daie of Januarye in the Twentith yere of the

raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Irelande Quene
Defendor of the faith &c
<different hand> by me John Huntley

Sealed & delivered in the p[re]sence
of Edwarde Perte
Henrie Watkines
Richarde Freeme
Roberte [Paine or Pame] w[i]th oothers

<sideways> John Huntley & Mabell
their assigment to
Hugh Huntley their
-1-Ja-20 e[li]z

*Harscombe: Probably an obsolete spelling of the modern Harescombe
**pleck, n.1.: a small piece or spot of ground; a plot or plat; a small enclosure (OED)

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