Monday, September 12, 2011

Country House: Letters to the Editor

From J Huntley, Boxwell

Dear Sir,

I write to protest at the tone and context of Gerald Cadogan's article last weekend entitled 'from pig farm to parkland', which I would maintain was economical with the truth.

His mentor Mr Cardale did not buy 80 acres of a former pig farm - Scrubbetts Farm was a mixed farm with a pig unit, suckler cows and cereal enterprises. The farm, when sold was split between seven buyers.

Mr. Cardale bought 72 acres of typical Cotswold permanent pasture around the 550 foot contour, which has not seen a pig for the past 30 years. He also bought Conygre Wood, an ancient woodland of 6.7 acres much enjoyed by badgers.

This land has never been parkland, and has a Cotswold stone wall under the wood, restored under the Cotswold ESA.

I may be classed as a Nimby, but at least I am a countryman who would like to preserve the AONB rather than turn it into a Virginia Water type enclave with an Italianate house every 70 acres.

If Gerald Cadogan is again asked to sit on such a RIBA panel he might at least visit the site prior to acceptance to see if the development proposed has any empathy with the surrounding environment.


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