The names of the persons appearing below are those listed on the Charters of
1606, 1609, 1612 and a list of stockholders in 1620. These names have been
checked against names found in Alexander Brown's "Genesis of the United
States". An attempt has been made to eliminate duplicates. Persons proving
descent from any one of these individuals would be eligible to join the Jamestowne
Society. Most of the following persons made contributions to the Virginia
Company of London and held shares accordingly. Some shares were passed to
heirs or sold after purchasing them. This list should be treated as a
preliminary effort and not complete, although it is not likely to change significantly.
Thomas Abbay; George Abbot; Maurice Abbot; Anthony Abdy; Sir John
Acland; Thomas Adams; Thomas Alcock; Sir William Ayliffe; Edmund Allen;
Edward Allen; John Allen; Thomas Allen; Giles Allington; Dr. John Andrewes; John
Andrewes; Nicholas Andrewes; Charles Anthony; Capt. Gabriell Archer; John
Argall; Capt. Samuel Argall; John Arundell; Richard Ashcroft; Sir Anthonie
Ashley; Capt. John Ashley; Sir Roger Ashton; James Askewe; Sir Robert
Askwith; Sir Walter Aston; William Atkinson; Anthony Aucher; Sir Anthony Aucher;
Acland; Thomas Adams; Thomas Alcock; Sir William Ayliffe; Edmund Allen;
Edward Allen; John Allen; Thomas Allen; Giles Allington; Dr. John Andrewes; John
Andrewes; Nicholas Andrewes; Charles Anthony; Capt. Gabriell Archer; John
Argall; Capt. Samuel Argall; John Arundell; Richard Ashcroft; Sir Anthonie
Ashley; Capt. John Ashley; Sir Roger Ashton; James Askewe; Sir Robert
Askwith; Sir Walter Aston; William Atkinson; Anthony Aucher; Sir Anthony Aucher;
George Bache; Edward Barkham; Edward Backley; Robert Backley; Sir
Franncis Bacon; John Badger; John Baker; Thomas Baker; Francis Baldwin; Thomas
Bayley; Sir Amias Bamfield; John Banks; Miles Banks; Richard Bannister;
Thomas Barber; William Barckley; Capt. George Bargrave; Capt. John Bargrave;
William Bardwell; Edward Berkeley; George Berkeley; Sir Maurice Berkeley; Robert
Barker; William Berkeley; Anthony Barners; Sir Francis Barneham; William
Barnes; Edward Barnes; William Barrett; Sir Franncis Barrington; Christopher
Barron; Peter Bartley; Humfrey Basse; Robert Bateman; George Bathe; Timothy
Bathurst; Edward Beale; Charles Beck; Capt. William Beck; Sir Henry
Beddingfeild; Gabriell Beedell; John Beedell; Robert Bell; William Bennet; George
Bennett; Sir John Bennett; Nicholas Benson; Peter Benson; Alexander Bentes;
John Beaumont; Sir Thomas Beaumont; Peregrine Bertie; Daniell Bernley; Robert
Berrisford; Robert Berrisford; John Bill; Sir Richard Bingley; Capt. John
Bingham; John Bingley; Sir Richard Bingley; Edward Bishop; Richard Blakemore;
Gregory Bland; Sir Thomas Bludder; Capt. John Blundell; John Blunt; Edward
Blunt; Richard Blunt; Lawrence Bohan; George Bowles; Martin Bond; Thomas
Bond; William Bonham; Sir John Borlace; Sir William Boulstrod; Richard Burke;
David Boume; Sir John Bourchier; Ruben Bourne; Sir Edmund Bowyer; Robert
Bowyer; Rev. Francis Bradley; Benjamin Brand; James Brearley; John Bree; Thomas
Bret; Capt. Edward Brewster; William Brewster; John Bridges; William
Bright; Capt. Brinsley; Thomas Brereton; John Brereton; Thomas Brockett; Mathew
Bromrigg(rick); Arthur Bromfield; Sir Calisthenes Brooke; Sir John Brooke;
Richard Brooke; Hugh Brooker; Christopher Brooke; Capt. John Brough; John
Browne; Sir William Browne; William Browne; Matthew Brownrig; Edmonde Brudenell;
Ambrose Brusey; Grey Brydges; Rev. Richard Buck; John Bullock; Peter
Burgoyne; Roberte Burgoyne; Thomas Burgoyne; Samuell Burham; Richard Burke; Sir
John Burlacie; Rev. Francis Burley; Capt. William Burwell; George Burton; John
Busbridge; Ralph Busby; Ralph Busby; George Bishop; George Butler; Capt.
Nathaniel Butler; Capt. Thomas Button;
Edward Cage; George Calvert;
James Cambell; Laurence Campe; Paul Canning; William Canning; Thomas Canon;
William Cantrell; Sir Edward Cary; Thomas Careles; Edward Carew; George
Carew; Sir Henry Cary; Henry Cary; Sir Robert Cary; Sir George Cary; Richard
Carmarden; Thomas Carpenter; William Carpenter; John Carrill; Francis Carter;
Randall Carter; Abraham Carthwright; Richard Caswell; John Cason; William
Cater; Sir William Cavendish; William Cavendish; Robert Cecil; Thomas Cecil;
William Cecil; Sir Edward Cecil; Sir Thomas Challoner; Abraham Chamberlaine;
George Chamberlaine; Richard Chamberlaine; Robert Chamberleyne; Richard
Champion; George Chandler; James Chatfeilde; Sir Hatton Cheeke; Richard Chene;
Alexander Childe; Clement Chitchelley; Thomas Church; Sir George Chute; Sir
Walter Chute; John Clapham; Capt. John Clarke; William Clawday; Sir
Christofer Cleave; Margarett Clifford; Henry Clinton; Christopher Clitherowe;
Richard Cockes; Robert Cockes; Thomas Colethurst; Henry Collins; Henry
Colethurst; William Compton; William Compton; Richard Connock; Capt. Connoth; Sir
Edward Conway; Capt. Thomas Conwey; Edward Cooke; Capt. John Cooke; Sir William
Cooke; Mathew Cooper; Sir Richard Cooper; Richard Cooper; Robert Cooper; Sir
Anthony Cope; Sir Walter Cope; Sir George Coppin; Robert Coppin; Thomas
Cordell; John Cornelius; Sir William Cornwallis; Allen Cotton; Sir Rowland
Cotton; Capt. William Courtney; Francis Covell; Thomas Coventry; Sir Walter
Covert; William Coyse; Rowland Coytemore; John Cranage; Lionell Cranfeild;
Rauley Crashawe; William Crashawe; Sir William Craven; Anthony Crew; Sir Herbert
Croft; Henry Cromwell; Henry Cromwell; Sir Oliver Cromwell; William
Crosley; John Crowe; Sir Edward Culpeper; John Culpeper; Thomas Culpeper; Sir
Thomas Cumingsby; Sir John Cuttes;
Henry Dabney; Sir Thomas Dale; Averie
Dansfeild; Sir Marmaduke Darrell; Henry Daukes; John Davies; Launcelot Dawes;
Abraham Dawes; Richard Deane; Benjamin Decroe; John Delbridge; Edward
Denny; Sir Thomas Dennis; Sir Thomas Denton; Mathew Dequester; Capt. Dewhurst;
Capt. Dexter; Sir John Digby; Sir Dudley Digges; John Digges; Thomas Digges;
John Dyke; John Dingley; Edward Ditchfeild; William Dobson; Sir John
Doderidge; John Downes; John Drake; Thomas Draper; Sir Dru Drury; Sir Robert
Drury; Sir Daniell Dun; William Dunn; James Duppa; Jeffrey Duppa; Phillipp
Durrant; Sir Thomas Dutton; Roger Dye; Edward Dyer; Anthony Dyot;
Sir Robert Edolph; Sir Francis Egiock; John Eldred; John Elkin; John Ellis; Peter
Erondel; George Percy; George Etheridge; Hugh Evans; Richard Evans; William
Evans; John Evelin; John Evelin; Robert Evelin; Capt. Michael Everard; Sir
Thomas Eversfeild; Raphe Ewens; Raphe Ewre; Nicholas Exton;
Edward Fawcett; William Faldoe; Sir Henry Fane*; Sir Henry Fanshawe; George Farmer;
John Farmer; Nicholas Farrar; Richard Farrington; William Feild; William
Felgate; William Ferrar; Sir Moyle Finch; Richard Fisheborne; Walter
Fitzwilliams; William Fleet; Edward Fleetwood; Sir William Fleetwood; John Fletcher;
Sir Anthony Forest; Thomas Forest; Thomas Fox; Thomas Foxall; Sir Thomas
Freake; Giles Francis; Richard Franklin; John Franklin; Peter Frank; Henry
Freake; Martin Freeman; Raphe Freeman; Raphe Freeman; Sir Peter Fretchville;
Capt. Frier; Richard Frith;
Edward Gall; John Gardiner; Robert Garsett; Peter Gate; Sir Thomas Gates; John Gearinge; George Gerrard; Sir Thomas Gerrard; William Gibbs; John Gilbert; Richard Glanville; Francis Glanville;
Richard Goddard; Sir William Godolphin; Sir Henry Goodere; Sir Francis Goodwin;
Robert Gore; Anthony Gosnold; Joshua Goughe; Thomas Goughe; Lady Elizabeth
Gray; Sir John Gray; Sir Thomas Grantham; Thomas Graves; Sir William
Gree(Gee); William Greenwell; Laurence Green; John Grey; Nicholas Gryce; Sir
Richard Grobham; Capt. Owen Gwinn; Thomas Gypes;
Richard Hakluyt; William Hakewell; Richard Hall; Richard Hall; William Hall; Raphe Hamor; Raphe
Hamor; Hugh Hamersley; William Hampson; Thomas Hampton; William Hancock; Humfrey
Hansford; John Hansford; Sir John Hanham; George Hawkinson; John Hare; Sir
Thomas Harfleet; John Harper; Richard Harper; Sir Arthur Harris; Sir John
Harrington; John Harrington; Sir Christopher Harris; John Harris; Roger
Harris; Thomas Harris; Edward Harrison; Harman Harrison; James Harrison; Raphe
Harrison; Sir William Harris; Sir Eustace Hart; Sir Percivall Hart; Capt.
Edward Harwood; Leonard Harwood; William Haselden; Francis Hasilerigg; Henry
Hastings; John Haward; Charles Hawkins; John Hawkins; Capt. Giles Hawkridge;
James Hawood (Haiward); James Hay; Jerome Haydon; Sir George Hayward; Sir
Warrwick Heale; Sir Francis Heiborne; Francis Heiton; Mary Herbert; Philip
Herbert; Philip Herbert; William Herbert; Capt. Herbert; Capt. Herle; Richard
Heron; Sir Edward Heron; Sir William Herrick; Sir Thomas Hewit; Sir John
Hayward; Sir Baptist Hicks; John Hide; Lawrence Hide; Nicholas Hide; Peter
Heightley; Robert Hill; Tristram Hill; Thomas Henshawe; Tobias Hinson; Anthony
Hinton; Griffin Hinton; Sir Henry Hobart; Edwarde Hodges; Thomas Hodges;
William Hodges; John Hudson; John Hodsale; Capt. Thomas Holecroft; Capt. Jeffrey
Holecroft; Sir Thomas Holecroft; Samuell Holland; Sir John Holles; Capt.
Holles; George Holeman; Thomas Honnyman; George Hooker; Nicholas Hooker;
Richard Hooker; John Hopkins; Christopher Hore; Sir Thomas Horwell; John
Hoskins; John Holt; Theophilus Howard; Thomas Howard; Richard Howle; Richard
Humble; Sir John Hungerford; Thomas Hunt;
Sir George Huntley; John Huntley; Capt. Huntley;
--I-- Anthony Irby; Arthur Ingram; Arthur Ingram; Richard
Ironsides; Powell Isaackson; Nicholas Isaak;
--J-- Henry Jackson; Peter
Jacobson; Phillipp Jacobson; Edward James; William Janson; Thomas Jedwin; Thomas
Jeninges; Sir Thomas Jermyn; Thomas Jerrard; Humfrey Jobson; George Johan;
Henrie John; John Johnson; Sir Robert Johnson; Robert Johnson; Robert
Johnson; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Johnson; Francis Jones; John Jones; Zachary Jones;
John Joshua; Thomas Juxson;
--K-- Sir John Keile; Sir Charles Kelke;
Richard Kirrill; Thomas Ketley; John Kettleby; Sir Robert Killigrew; Capt. John
King; Raph King; Walter Kirkham; Josias Kirton; Richard Knarisborough; Sir
Valentine Knightley; William Knollys; Thomas Knowls; Michael Phettiplace;
--L-- Thomas Langton (Laughton); Christopher Landman; Peter Latham; Thomas
Lawson; Richard Lee; Nicholas Leate; Henry Lee; Thomas Leeyer (Layer); John
Legate; Sir Franncis Leigh; Richard Leigh; Sir Robert Leigh; Sir Samuel
Leonard; Sir Thomas Lerdes; Thomas Lever; William Leveson; Sir John Levesun; John
Levett; Morris Lewellin; Edward Lewis; Nicholas Litchfield; Capt. Richard
Lindesey; Edward Litsfeud; Sir William Litton; Capt. Edward Lloyd; Luke
Lodge; Sir Richard Lovelace; Sir William Lovelace; Capt. William Lovelace;
Vincent Lowe; Sir William Lower; Edward Lukin; Arnold Lulls;
--M-- Sir John
Mallory; Josias Maude; Sir Thomas Mansell; Sir Arthur Mainwaring; Sir Peter
Manwood; Francis Mapes; Richard Maplesden; John Martin; Richard Martin; Thomas
Martin; Capt. John Martin; Capt. George Mason; Jonathan Mattall; Sir Robert
Mansell; Otho Mawdet; Humfrey May; Sir Cavaliero Maycott; Thomas Mayle; Sir
William Maynard; Doctor James Meadows; Sir Robert Meller; Humfrey Merrett;
Sir John Merrick; Thomas Merry; Capt. Thomas Mewtis; Sir Edward Michelborne;
Barnard Michell; Isaake Michell; John Middleton; Robert Middleton; Sir
Thomas Middleton; Sir Thomas Mildmay; Capt. Henry Miles; John Miller; William
Millet; Thomas Monford; James Monger; Peter Maunsell; Sir Thomas Monson; James
Montam; Andreau Moore; Sir George Moore; John Moore; John Moore; William
Moore; Richard Moorer; Raphe Mooreton; Sir Charles Morgan; Thomas Morris; Sir
Henrie Mountague; James Mountague; Doctor George Mountaine; Arthur Mouse;
Joan Mousloe; Laurence Munckas; Jarvis Mundes (Mundz); Sir David Murrey;
Richard Murrettone;
--N-- Henry Neice; Sir Henry Nevill; Sir Henry Nevill;
Joseph Newbroughe; John Newhouse; Capt. Christopher Newport; Oliver Nicholas;
Christopher Nicholls; Cristopher Nicholls; Thomas Nicholls; Thomas
Norincott; Francis Norris; Dudley North; George Nuce; Richard Nunnington;
Roberte Offiey; Sir John Ogle; Sir John Ogle; Capt. Orme; Capt. Lewis Orwell;
William Oxcnbridge;
William Paget; William Paget; Capt. Pagnam; Sir
Guy Palme; Miles Palmer; William Palmer; Sir Thomas Panton; Roberte
Parkehurste; Sir Nicholas Parker; William Parker; Sir James Parrett (Perrot); Gyles
Parslowe; Richarde Partridge; John Pawlett; Sir Robert Payne; William
Payne; Roberte Peake; Edmonde Pears; Jerome Pearsye; Peter Peate; Thomas Pelham;
Roberte Penington; Richard Penxtell (Poyntell); Richard Percivall; Edward
Perkin; Thomas Perkin; Aden Perkins; Sir Christopher Perkins; Edmond Peshall;
John Petre; Arthure Pett; Phinees Pett; Phinees Pett; Sir John Pettus; Sir
Henriy Peyton; Sir Edward Phelipps; William Phetiplace; Christopher
Pickford; Richard Pigott; Capt. Pigott; George Pitt; Thomas Pleydall; Edward
Plomer; Thomas Plomer; Thomas Plummer; Doctor Poe; Sir William Poole; Edmund Pond;
John Porie; Richard Poulsonne; William Powell; Sir Stephen Powle; John
Pratt; Sir Amias Preston; George Pretty; Henry Price; George Prockter; John
Procter; Capt. William Proude; Roger Puleston;
John Quales; William Quick;
Sir Carey Raleigh; Humfrey Ramell; Millicent Ramesden; Sir John
Ratcliffe; Capt. Raunne; William Ravenscrofte; Henry Reynoldes; John
Reynoldes; Richard Reynoldes; Sir Henry Riche; Sir Robert Riche; John Riddall; Sir
Stephen Riddlesden (Riddlesdop); Sir Thomas Ridgway; Robert Rich (Ritche);
Elias Robertes; Tedder Robertes; George Robins; Arthur Robinson; Henry
Robinson; Jehughe Robinson; John Robinson; John Robinson; Robert Robinson; Sir
Thomas Roe; Richard Rogers; Sir William Romney; Capt. Rookwood; William
Roscarrock; Henry Rowe; Edward Russell; James Russell; John Russell; Lucy Russell;
Sir William Russell;
Edward Sackville; Richard Sackville; Edward
Salter; Nicholas Salter; Sir Samuell Saltonstall; William Sambatch; Sir John
Sammes; Sir John Sammes; George Samms; Sir Edwarde Sandes; George Sandes;
Henry Sandes; Sir Michaell Sandes; Richard Sandes; Sir Samuell Sandes; Thomas
Sandes; Edwin Sandys; Henry Sandys; Sir Samuell Sandys; George Sandys; Edmund
Scott; Mistress Elizabeth Scott; George Scott; Sir John Scott; Thomas
Scott; Mathewe Scrivener; Sir James Scudamore; William Seabright; John Searpe;
Sir Henry Sekeford; William Sharpe;; William Sheckley; Edmond Sheffield;
Henry Shelley; Capt. Thomas Shipton; Sir Raph Shelton; Robert Sheninge; Richard
Shepparde; Robert Singleton; Mathew Shepard; Hugh Shippley; Thomas Shipton;
Thomas Shipton; Capt. John Siclemore; Robert Sidney; James Skelton; Capt.
Slingesby; Francis Smalman; Edward Smith; Ezechiell Smith; Sir John Smith;
John Smith; Capt. John Smith; Sir Richard Smith; Thomas Smith; Sir William
Smith; Cleophas Smithe; Humfry Smithe; John Smithe; Othowell Smithe; Robert
Smithe; Samuell Smithe; Sir Thomas Smithe; Richard Smyth; Thomas Sned; Sir
Stephen Soame; Joseph Soane (Some); Sir George Somers; William Sotherne; John
Southicke; Capt. Sparkes; Stephen Sparrowe; Abraham Speckard; Sir Richard
Spencer; Robert Spencer; Urian Spencer; Henry Spranger; Mathew Springeham;
Heldebrand Sprinson; Capt. Henry Spry; Gregory Sprynte; Edmonde Srnyth; Sir John
St. John; John St. John; Sir William St. John; Sir William St. John; Sir
Wareham St. Legier; William Stallendge; John Stanhope; Elizabeth Stanley;
William Stannerd; Hewett Staper; Richard Staper; Thomas Stevens; Augustine
Steward; Sir Thomas Stewkley; Humfrey Stile; Thomas Stilles; John Stoakes; John
Stoakley; John Stocken; Sir Nicholas Stoddard; John Stoickden; William
Strachey; Sir John Stradling; Lamorock Stradling; Richard Stratford; John Streat;
Sir William Strode; Richard Strough; Robert Strutt; Doctor Mathewe
Sutclilfe; James Swifte; John Swinehowe; George Swinhoe;
Gilbert Talbot;
Mary Talbot; John Tanner; Francis Tate; Lewes Tate; Lewes Tate; John
Taverner; William Tayler; Sir Lewes Thesam; Capt. Thomas; Octavian Thorne; Robert
Thornton; George Thorpe; Sir William Throgmorton; Henry Timberlake
(Timberley); Robert Tindall; Francis Tirrell; Richard Tomlins; Charles Towler; Sir John
Townesend; Warren Townshend; Sir Thomas Tracy; Sir John Trevor; Sir Richard
Trevor; Andrew Troughton; Thomas Truston; Daniell Tucker; George Tucker;
William Tucker; Richard Turner; Doctor Turner; Sir Ambrose Turvill; Sir
William Twisden;
John Vassall; Edward Vaughan; John Vaughan; Sir Walter
Vaughan; Peter Vaulore; Sir Horatio Vere; Arthur Venn; Richard Venn;
Christopher Vertue; Sebastian Viccars; Henry Vincent;
Sir William Waade;
Nathaniell Wade; Capt. Waldoe; Thomas Wale; George Walker; Thomas Walker; John
Waller; Sir Thomas Walsingham; John Walter; Gresham Hogan Warner; Richard
Warner; Thomas Warre; David Waterhouse; Sir Edward Waterhouse; Thomas Watson;
Thomas Watson; Sir Thomas Watson; Sir John Watts; William Wattey; Sir
Thomas Wayneman; Edward Webb; George Webb; Rice Webb; Sands Webb; Thomas Webb;
Thomas Webb; William Webster; William Welby; Sir John Weld; Sir Humfrey Weld;
Thomas Wells; Edward Welch (Welshe); Thomas Wentworth; Franncis West; John
West; Katherine West; Thomas West; John Westrowe; Humfrey Westwood; Randall
Westwood; Sir Ferdinando Weynman; Sir George Wharton; Thomas Wheeler; xxx
Alexander Whitakers; James White; Leonard White; Thomas White; Thomas Whitley
(Wheatley); John Whittingham; Thomas Whittingham; George Whittmoore;
Richard Widdowes; Richard Wiffen; Sir Richard Wigmore; Sir Thomas Wilsford; Edward
Wilkes; Hugh Willeston; John Willett; Capt. William; Sir Richard
Williamson; Sir Charles Wilmot; Sir Percivall Willoughby; Andrew Wilmer; Clement
Wilmer; George Wilmer; Felix Wilson; Sir Thomas Wilson; Thomas Wilson; Daniell
Winche; Capt. Edward Maria Wingfeild; Capt. William Winter; Sir Raphe Winwood;
Sir Hugh Wirrall; John Woddall; Devereux Wogan; William Wolaston; Sir
Franncis Wolley; Henry Wolstenholme; Henry Wolstenholme; John Wolstenholme; John
Wolstenholme; Capt. Thomas Wood; Thomas Wood; Capt. Henry Woodhouse; Capt.
Woodhouse; John Woodleefe; Edward Wooler; Sir Franncis Wortley; Sir Henry
Wotton; John Wright; Henry Wriothesley; Sir Robert Wroth; Thomas Wyatt; Edmond
Wynn; Capt. Peter Wynne; Capt. Thomas Wynne;
George Yardeley; Sir
Robert Yaxley; Symonde Yeomans; William Younge;
Edward Zouche
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